Nominations for Council requested

HomeNewsNominations for Council requested

Council vacancies

As notified in the May 2021 issue of Field Bryology, there will be some vacancies for new officers and elected members on Council at the end of 2021. No nominations have so far been received for a new Membership Secretary and only one nomination for the two elected member vacancies. In normal times, nominations would be stimulated by face-to-face meetings and casual conversations. These, of course, have not been taking place.

If you would like to nominate someone (with their prior consent), please contact the General Secretary, Jeff Scott, by email ( or or write to him at 19 Abbotts Grove, Peterborough PE4 5BP before 20th August 2021.

More information on what is involved is given on the Governance page under The Society.

Published: 30 June 2021