Join the BBS

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Existing members

If you are already a member, but your subscription has expired, you can register for a new subscription here. Please ensure that you are logged in, then select the appropriate membership category below and click the red ‘Register’ button. Complete the form (including payment details) and submit. Your new subscription will be active immediately.

Becoming a member

Read about the benefits of being a member here.

Membership is open to everyone and becoming a member couldn’t be easier. You can subscribe online; your application will approved immediately and you will be able to log in to the Member’s Area.

All subscriptions are annual and recurring, starting on the date of registration. You can cancel your subscription at any time by visiting your account profile: this will leave it active for the rest of the subscription year, but will not renew on the anniversary date.

Payment is by debit / credit card via an online payment gateway (Stripe). Please note that your card details are held securely by the payment gateway, and not by the BBS or our website host.

Payments may also be made by cheque or bank transfer in exceptional circumstances; please contact the Membership Secretary for details if necessary. We are no long accepting Standing Order mandates.

You will receive a reminder 2 weeks before your renewal date, and provided your card is still active, payment will automatically be taken on the renewal date.

To sign up, select the appropriate category below, complete the registration form (including payment card details) and submit the form. You should receive a welcome email and details of how to log on within minutes.

Membership categories

The following categories of membership are available:

  • Ordinary membership: £25.00 per annum

This is our standard membership type.

  • Concessionary subscriptions: £12.50 per annum

A concessionary subscription, providing all the entitlements of Ordinary Membership, available to Loyalty Members (see below), Junior Members (Members who are under the age of 21) and Student Members (Members who are full-time students, irrespective of age)

  • Family membership: £1.00 per annum

For any additional member of the family who resides with an Ordinary member. Family members do not receive any publications but have all other rights and privileges of membership.

Members who have belonged to the BBS for 40 years or more are eligible for Loyalty membership, which is half price. If you believe you are eligible for this, or have any other queries, please contact the Membership Secretary.

Ordinary membership: £25.00 per annum

Our standard membership type. Includes entitlement to Journal of Bryology and Field Bryology, as well as other services provided by the society.

Register for Ordinary membership
Junior membership: £12.50 per annum

A concessionary subscription, providing all the entitlements of Ordinary Membership, available to members who are under the age of 21 at the time of registration.

Register for Junior membership
Student membership: £12.50 per annum

A concessionary subscription, providing all the entitlements of Ordinary Membership, available to members who are full-time students, irrespective of age.

Register for Student membership
Family membership: £1.00 per annum

This is an Add-on subscription, available to existing Ordinary or Junior members. To add a family member, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the website with your normal (main member) email address
  2. Select the first option below to add a Family member
  3. The Registration form should be pre-filled with the main member’s details, but has 2 additional fields: Additional member name and Additional member email. Complete these fields with the details of the family member you are adding.
  4. Enter payment details and submit the form

Optionally, you – or the family member you have added – can set up their own website user profile so that they can log in with their own email address, and opt to receive email Newsletters if desired. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you are logged out of the website
  2. Select the second option below to create a Family member user profile
  3. Enter the family member’s first and last name, email address and password. In the Additional member name and email, specify the main member’s name and email.
  4. No address or payment details are required as family members do not pay for their subscription and do not receive printed publications
  5. Submit the form
Add a family member Create a family member profile

Gift Aid

If you live in the UK and pay tax on the income used to pay your subscription, please consider helping the BBS by completing a Gift Aid declaration to allow us to reclaim the tax on your subscription. If you Gift Aid your donation, the BBS will receive an extra 25p from HM Revenue and Customs for every £1 you give us. To qualify for Gift Aid, you must pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the appropriate tax year (currently 25p for each £1 given).

If you claim your BBS subscription as an allowable expense against your income for income tax purposes, for example if you are a professional bryologist, please note that you have not paid tax on the income used to pay your subscription and you must not complete this form. Similarly, if your employer pays your subscription on your behalf you must not complete this form.

You can complete the declaration online (preferred), or download a form to fill out and send to the Membership Secretary via email or post. Please select the appropriate link below.

Complete the Gift Aid Declaration online Download a Gift Aid Declaration form


The information you provide when you join will be stored securely and treated as confidential. We only request and store the information required to manage your membership subscription, including posting Society journals.

You can view our full Privacy Policy using the link at the bottom of the page.