General guidance
The spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has had a significant impact on our lives and may well continue to do so over the coming months. The BBS takes this threat seriously, and prioritises the health and well-being of members, volunteers and any of the general public with whom we interact.
Field meetings
Travel and social interaction rules continue to be relaxed throughout the UK and Ireland. It is now possible for unlimited numbers to meet outdoors in England and Wales and up to 200 in Ireland, whilst in Scotland and Northern Ireland numbers are more limited but are under constant review. Anyone wishing to organise a meeting is advised to check the local rules for the country and area in which they are planning to meet.
For convenience, the following links will take you to the latest government advice on the restrictions in place at the time of writing, 20th July 2021. However please ensure that you check for any updates to the guidance given.
Guidance for meeting organisers
The meeting organiser is responsible for ensuring that the current national and local guidance is followed, both during the meeting and when travelling to and from meetings. There may be occasions when local lockdown measures are in place, although these usually relate to urban areas.
As always, organisers will exercise common sense and ensure that social distancing is observed at all times and that areas where large numbers of the public are likely to be encountered, such as parks and beauty spots, are avoided. It is particularly important at this time for organisers to familiarise themselves with the BBS Safety code, complete a risk assessment and ensure that all participants are aware of the contents.
A record should be maintained of attendees, to be kept for 21 days.
Last updated 20th July 2021
Download a copy of the Safety Code Download the Risk Assessment template