Field Bryology issues - 2000-2009

HomePublicationsField BryologyField Bryology online2000-2009


No 99, October 2009
Field Guide Update

Almost there… Ian Atherton, Sam Bosanquet, Mark Lawley


An update on the alien liverwort Lophocolea semiteres. Ron Porley and Tom Haynes
Bryophytes in East Anglian orchards. Robin Stevenson & Jenny Rowntree
Colura calyptrifolia growing on rubbish in a Scottish conifer plantation. Ben Averis
The end of Grimmia limprichtii. Henk Greven
Epiphyte colonisation in VC59. John Lowell

Bygone Bryologists

Richard de Gylpyn Benson. Mark Lawley

Conservation News

How Plantlife Scotland is giving Scottish bryophytes a boost. Matilda Scharsach

Ecology matters

Ecology Matters. Jeff Bates

Meeting Report

BBS Spring Field Meeting, Ayrshire. Liz Kungu

Rare and Interesting

Rare and Interesting 9. Mark Hill

News and Society Business


Your Society needs you! BBS  Library Sales
Bryophyte Ecology online
Bryophytes of warmer – and cooler – climes
Joyce Watson (1920–2009)
Changes to the Membership List, September 2009
Future Meetings


 The problems of sharing information. John Lowell

No 98, June 2009
From the Editor

Australasian bryophytes introduced to South Kerry with tree ferns. David Holyoak & Neil Lockhart
Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus
in Wales. Sam Bosanquet & Graham Motley
Progress towards a new Atlas of Bryophytes. Chris Preston, Mark Hill, Sam Bosanquet & Stephanie Ames
Leaf gemmae in Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Brid. Jonathan Sleath
Bryophytes of domestic gardens in Britain. Des Callaghan
Calyptrochaeta apiculata (Southern Hookeria): first Irish record confirmed in Co. Cork. Fionnuala O’Neill
London’s changing bryophyte flora. Jeff Duckett & Silvia Pressel

Hot off the Press
Useful Pieces of Equipment

The ‘Opticron’ x15 illuminated hand lens. Jonathan Sleath

Autobiography – Jean Paton MBE
Meeting Reports

Border Bryologists 2008. Mark Lawley
BBS Summer Field Meeting in Banffshire. David Chamberlain
Southern Group meeting at Chiddinglye Rocks, West Hoathley. Howard Matcham

News and Society Business


Dublin Naturalists Field Club (DNFC) Bryophyte Initiative
The Jill Smythies Award for 2009
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
Changes to the Membership List, June 2009
Future Meetings

New vice-county records

Hepaticae. Tim Blackstock
Musci. Gordon Rothero


Data ownership problems. Sam Bosanquet

No 97, February 2009

Extraordinary features of the reproductive biology of Marchantia at Thursley Common. Jeffrey G. Duckett & Silvia Pressel
The Studfold Community Nature Project. Matthew Adamson
Grimmia austrofunalis Müll. Hal. in Britain and Ireland? Henk Greven
Poem – The Tundra Terrarium. Ruth Hill

Bryophytes Abroad

Bryophytes and Volcanoes: La Réunion Island. Jo Wilbraham

Bygone Bryologists

David Lillie (1854–1940). Mark Lawley

Conservation News

The Threatened Bryophyte Database. Nick Hodgetts

Ecology Matters

A progress report on the Bryophyte Habitats Survey. Jeff Bates

Meeting Reports

BBS Summer Meeting 2008 – Shetland. Mark Hill
BBS Annual Meeting and Conference – Preston Montford. Martin Godfrey

Hot off the Press
Book Reviews

Arable Bryophytes. Ron Porley, 2008. Mark Lawley
How to begin the study of Mosses and Liverworts. June Chatfield, 2008. Martin Godfrey

News and Society Business


Free Online Access to Journal of Bryology for BBS Members!
New Census Catalogue now available
Change in journal paper-length policy in Journal of Bryology
Conservation Award for David Holyoak
Essex Bryophyte Group
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
Annual General Meeting 2009
Leicestershire Bryophyte Flora
Index Hepaticarum now available online
Changes to the Membership List, January 2009
Council Newsletter Number 25
Future Meetings


What is a species, a genus, a family…? Lars Hedenäs


No 96, October 2008

Paraleucobryum longifolium (Hedw.) Loeske in Scotland. David Long, Gordon Rothero & Maren Flagmeier
More tree fern aliens. Richard Fisk
Mossing around in Eden. Mark Lawley
Threatened bryophytes: Leptodontium gemmascens (thatch moss). Ron Porley
Orthotrichum consimile: another English record and a postscript. Tom Blockeel & Colin Wall


Alex Smith. Richard Fisk

Bryophytes Abroad

The Gaoligong Shan mountains of the Sino-Burmese border. David Long

Bygone Bryologists

William Wilson 1799–1871. Mark Lawley

Conservation Corner

Why conserve bryophytes? Nick Hodgetts

Ecology matters

BRECOG at Malham Tarn. Jeff Bates

Meeting Reports

BBS Spring Meeting 2008. Sarah Stille & Sam Bosanquet
Cambridgeshire Group 70th Anniversary. Chris Preston
Southern Group – March 2008. June Chatfield

Hot off the Press
Rare and Interesting

Rare and Interesting 8. Mark Hill

News and Society Business


Harley Books purchased by Apollo Books
Website news
George Stabler’s botanical collections
New bryology group for Wessex
Changes to the Membership List, September 2008
Future Meetings


Popularizing bryology through publishing. Mark Lawley

No 95, June 2008

Red Data Book bryophytes on the south Wales limestone coast. Sam Bosanquet
Epiphyllic and epifungal liverworts on Hampstead Heath, London. Jeff Duckett
The remarkable story of Grimmia ochyriana J. Muñoz. Henk Greven
Grimmia updates. David Long


George Bloom. Michael Bloom

Bryophytes Abroad

A bryologist on holiday in the Cameron Highlands. Jeff Bates

Meeting Reports

Border Bryologists 2007. Mark Lawley
South-east group. Howard Wallis
Southern group. Howard Matcham & Neil Sanderson

Hot off the Press
News and Society Business


News of Members
Institutional subscription to Field Bryology now available
Election of Officers and Elected members of Council
Annual General Meeting 2008
Wildlife surveys in National Trust gardens
BBS Field Guide: progress report
Changes to the Membership List, March 2008
Future Meetings

New vice-county records

Hepaticae. Tim Blackstock
Musci. Gordon Rothero


Natural England. Nick Hodgetts

No 94, February 2008
From the Editor

Thursley Common NNR: bryophyte recolonization one year after the great fire of July 2006. Jeffrey Duckett, Howard Matcham & Silvia Pressel
Mosses in gardens – a case study from Norfolk. Robin Stevenson
Tortula schimperi in England. A.J.E.Smith
Orthotrichum consimile in Derbyshire. Tom Blockeel
The influence of social background on the emergence of British field botanists in the 17–19th centuries: William Wilson, a case study. Mark Lawley
A BBS survey of bryophyte habitats. Jeff Bates

Bryophytes Abroad

Moss amongst the ice – the forests of Antarctica. Rod Seppelt & Ryszard Ochyra

Meeting Reports

Summer 2007 meeting – Lewis. Liz Kungu
Summer 2007 meeting – Mull. Chris Preston
Autumn 2007 meeting – Liverpool / Whixall Moss. John Edmondson  / Martin Godfrey


Bridget Ozanne. Charles David

Hot off the Press
Bygone Bryologists

Samuel Brewer (ca 1669–1743) – an update. Mark Lawley

Rare and interesting

Rare and Interesting 7. Mark Hill

News and Society Business


Bryophytes on the BBC
BRYOATT – a new publication
New project to boost conservation in Scotland
BBS Field Guide: progress report
The BBS library – new location and arrangements
Future Meetings
Council newsletter no. 24
Change of Membership Secretary
Changes to the Membership List, December 2007
Website News


A personal perspective on the BBS. Sean Edwards


No 93, September 2007

Inventory and conservation of the bryoflora of south-western Patagonia. Howard W. Matcham, Silvia Pressel, Shaun Russell, Francisca Massardo & Jeff G. Duckett
Tortula freibergii along the Bridgewater Canal. Audrey R. Locksley
Barcoding Britain’s liverworts and hornworts: a new project and request for material. D.G. Long, P.M. Hollingsworth & L.L. Forrest
Grimmia tergestina: frequent and fruiting on limestone roof tiles in the Cotswolds. Peter Martin
Threatened bryophytes: Didymodon glaucus. Ron D. Porley
BBS Field-guide: progress report. Ian Atherton, Sam Bosanquet & Mark Lawley

New vice-county records

Hepaticae. T.H. Blackstock
Musci. G.P. Rothero

Announcements and Requests


BRECOG soil and bark pH testing
Corrected version of The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland by AJE Smith
The bryophyte flora of our roof-tops and gardens
Free books and request for odd journal back copies

Meeting Reports

Spring field meeting 2007, Northamptonshire. Rachel Carter & Joan James

Society business


Future meetings of the society
Changes to the membership list, July 2007
BBS accounts
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, Hatfield, 2006
Officers’ reports for 2006

No 92, May 2007

Grimmia tergestina in Britain. Peter Martin & Henk Greven
Bygone bryologists: Ursula Katharine Duncan (1910-1985). Mark Lawley
Bygone bryologists: Dr F.J. (John) Taylor 1925-2006. Jessica Beever
BBS Field-guide: progress report. Ian Atherton, Sam Bosanquet & Mark Lawley
HLK Whitehouse Bryophyte Stereo Image Library online at National Museum Wales. Ray Tangney

Meeting Reports

South-East Group 2007 Malcolm Watling

Society business

Future meetings of the society
Other bryological meetings 2007
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council.
Council Newsletter Number 23
BBS Tropical Bryology Group: a belated progress report for 2004 and 2005
Bryophyte Ecology Group workshop, Preston Montford, 9-11 th March 2007
Changes to the membership list, April 2007
Any more subscriptions, please ?

No 91, January 2007

The status and habitat of Homomallium incurvatum in the north of England. Tom L. Blockeel
Tortula amplexa in a sand-and-gravel pit in Shropshire. Sam D.S. Bosanquet, Martin F. Godfrey, Mark Lawley & Graham S. Motley
Riccia huebeneriana in South Lancashire. Des A. Callaghan
Hennediella heimii growing by salted roads in Hertfordshire. Christopher T.W. Tipper
Habitats of Colura calyptrifolia in north-western Britain. A.B.G. Averis
Illegal immigrants. Richard J. Fisk.
A chromosome number for Ricciocarpos natans. Martin F. Godfrey
Epibryon plagiochilae in south Wales: an overlooked British bryophilous fungus. Sam D.S. Bosanquet
Bygone bryologists: Robert Braithwaite (1824-1917). Mark Lawley
Moss. William Barnes

Rare and Interesting
Rare and interesting bryophytes in Britain and Ireland. Mark O. Hill
Meeting Reports

AGM and Bryological Symposium 2006, Hatfield. Agneta Burton
Summer Field Meeting in East Sutherland, July 1st – 8th 2006. Mark Lawley
Summer Field Meeting on Orkney, 8th – 12th July 2006. Gordon P. Rothero
The Border Bryologists 2006. Mark Lawley
South-East Group. Howard Wallis & David Newman
Southern Group. Jacqueline A. Wright

Adverts and requests

Fruiting Climacium dendroides and Rhodobryum roseum. Martin Godfrey
International Association of Bryologists: collection of dues. Mark O. Hill

Society business


Future meetings of the society
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
Changes to the membership list, January 2007
Subscriptions 2007


No 90, December 2006

Recent work on Hamatocaulis vernicosus in mid and south Wales. Sam D . S . Bosanquet, Alan D . Hale, Graham S . Motley & Ray G. Woods
Hedwigia ciliata
var. leucophaea new to England and Wales (the first British records for over 100 years). Des A. Callaghan
Active conservation: augmenting the only British population of Bryum schleicheri var. latifolium via in vitro cultivation. G.P. Rothero, J.G. Duckett & S. Pressel
Bazzania trilobata
on sandstone outcrops in Sussex. Cath Laing
Bryum valparaisense:
habitat and tubers in Scilly. R.A. Finch & C.D. Preston
Index of Bryophytes, 2005. Marshall Crosby & Bob Magill
BBS Field Guide: progress report. Ian Atherton & Mark Lawley
A revised list of nationally scarce bryophytes. C . D . Preston
Threatened Bryophyte Database: an update. N. G. Hodgetts
Notes on the seasonal reproductive cycle and sporophyte frequency in the leafy liverwort Nardia scalaris. T.H. Blackstock
The changing bryophyte flora of Chawley Brick Pit, Oxford. J.A. Wright & I.R. Wright

Meeting Reports

Field meeting, February-March 2006, Salerno, Italy. Chris D. Preston & Tom L. Blockeel
Bryophyte ecology workshop 2006, Silwood Park. Jeff Bates
Spring field meeting 2006, Staffordshire. M. F. Godfrey
South-East Group meeting 2006. Howard Wallis

Society business


Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2007
Membership subscriptions for 2006
Changes to the membership list, October 2006

No 89, July 2006

Sphagnum riparium discovered in Wales. P.S. ]ones, A.J. Turner, S.D.S. Bosanquet & T.H. Blackstock
Amblystegium radicale
in reed-beds in south Wales. Sam D.S. Bosanquet
Bust of Richard Spruce unveiled in Ecuador. S.R. Gradstein, L. Jost, M.R.D. Seaward & G.T. Prance
Antitrichia curtipendula in a Cambridgeshire orchard. N.G. Hodgetts, C.D. Preston & C.R. Stevenson.

Meeting Reports

AGM and Bryological Symposium 2005, Bangor. T.H. Blackstock
A regional meeting in south-west Scotland, October 2005. David Chamberlain & Liz Kungu

New vice-county records and amendments to the Census Catalogue.

Hepaticae. T.H. Blackstock
Musci. G.P.Rothero

Rare and Interesting

Rare and interesting bryophytes in Britain and Ireland. M.O. Hill

Book reviews.

The mosses and liverworts of Carmarthenshire, Sam Bosanquet, Jonathan Graham & Graham Motley. R.C. Stern
A list of terrestrial fauna (Mollusca and Arthropoda) and flora (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta) from the Azores, Paulo A.V. Borges, Regina Cunha, Rosalina Gabriel, Ant6nio Frias Martins, Luis Silva & Virgilio Vieira (editors). D.T. Holyoak


‘Natural Talent’
Research and herbaria: the Rev. David Royce bryophyte collection.
Field Guide: progress report. Mark Lawley

Society business


Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2006
Membership subscriptions for 2006
BBS accounts
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, Bangor, 2005
Officers’ reports for 2005
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
The future of the BBS library: a proposal from Council to the 2006 AGM
Arrangements for the production of the Journal of Bryology
Thinking about getting your copies of the Transactions and Journal bound
Changes to the membership list, April 2006

No 88, February 2006

Grimmia anodon rediscovered on Arthur’s Seat. David G. Long
Thamnobryum maderense (Kindb.) Hedenas new to the British Isles. M. Godfrey & N.G. Hodgetts
Microscope techniques: Cutting thin sections of bryophyte material. Ken Adams
Bygone Bryologists: Samuel Brewer (ca 1669-1743). Mark Lawley

Meeting Reports

Summer field meeting 2005, Co. Fermanagh, Co. Leitrim and Co. Cavan, Ireland. D.T. Holyoak
South-East Group meeting 2005. Malcolm Watling
The Border Bryologists, 2005. Mark Lawley


Research and herbaria: Moss genome-sequencing project. P.L. King
Web news. Jonathan Sleath

Society business


Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2006
Publishing regional bryofloras
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
BBS library sales and service, 2006
Referees (February 2006)
Changes to the membership list January 2006


No 87, December 2005

Recent bryophyte records from water bodies in south Wales. G.S. Motley & S.D.S. Bosanquet
Sematophyllum substrumulosum
– an overlooked native?  H.W. Matcham, R.D. Porley & B.J. O’Shea
Threatened bryophytes: Octodiceras fontanum. M. F. Godfrey
in Britain and Ireland: a BBS mini-survey. T.H. Blackstock, S.D.S. Bosanquet, D.G. Long & C.D. Preston

Meeting Reports

Spring field meeting 2005, Ceredigion. A.D. Hale & S.D.S. Bosanquet
South-East Group meeting 2004. Roy Hurr


BBS field-guide update. Mark Lawley

Society Business

Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2006
Referees (December 2005)
Council Newsletter Number 22
BBS library sales and service, 2006
Bryophyte contract: English Nature, Cornwall
Data access policy for the British Bryological Society
List of paid contractors/ consultants
Microscope for sale
Subscriptions for 2005
Can you sponsor a foreign member?
South London Botanical Institute
Changes to the membership list (October 2005)

No 86, July 2005

Weissia squarrosa in Britain: a re-evaluation of its identification and ecology in the light of recent records. S.D.S. Bosanquet & C.D. Preston
Pterigynandrum filiforme
: an addition to the ‘montane’ bryoflora of Suffolk. Richard Fisk
Bygone Bryologists: Hampden Gurney Jameson (1852-1939). Mark Lawley

Meeting Reports

Extreme arable bryology: a brief visit to the cereal fields of Caithness. S.D.S. Bosanquet, E.M. Kungu & C.D. Preston
Taxonomic workshop 2005, Cambridge. Jonathan Sleath
South-East Group meeting 2005. Malcolm Watling

New vice-county records and amendments to the Census Catalogue

Hepaticae. T.H. Blackstock
Musci. G.P. Rothero

Rare and Interesting

Rare and interesting bryophytes in Britain and Ireland. M.O. Hill

Website News

The BBS website. Jonathan Sleath

Recording and conservation

New bryophyte recording cards. C.D. Preston

Society business

Future meetings of the Society
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
BBS accounts
Officers’ reports for 2004
Referees (July 2005)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, Preston Montford, 2004
Subscriptions for 2005
Changes to the membership list (May 2005)

No 85, March 2005

Status of the critically endangered Rhynchostegium rotundifolium in Gloucestershire. Des A. Callaghan
A fairly predictable locus for Cephalozia pleniceps in south Wales. G. S. Motley & S.D. S. Bosanquet

Meeting Reports

Summer field meeting 2004, island of Rum. Gordon Rothero
Summer field meeting 2004, North Aberdeenshire. Mark Lawley
AGM and Bryological Symposium 2004, Preston Montford.
SBAL meeting at Turriff, North Aberdeenshire, October 2004. C.D. Preston
The Border Bryologists, 2004. Mark Lawley
Southern Group meeting 2004. Howard Matcham

Rare and Interesting

Rare and interesting bryophytes in Britain and Ireland. M.O. Hill

Recording and conservation

Submitting new vice-county records. Gordon Rothero & Tim Blackstock

Society Business


Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2005.
Invitation to join the BBS Bryophyte Ecology Group (BRECOG).
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council
BBS library sales and service, 2005
Referees (March 2005)
Membership subscriptions for 2005
Changes to the membership list (January 2005)


No 84, December 2004

Distribution of taxa within the Schistidium apocarpum complex in the British Isles. G.P. Rothero
Sematophyllum substrumulosum
new to mainland Britain. Gillis Een
Grimmia alpestris
in Wales. Jean Wemer & A.J.E. Smith
sex forms in the BBS herbarium. T.H. Blackstock & S.D.S. Bosanquet
Bygone Bryologists: Robert Kaye Greville (1794-1866). Mark Lawley

Meeting Reports

Spring field meeting 2004, Worcestershire. Tessa Carrick
South-East Group meeting 2004. Malcolm Watling

BBS Tropical Bryology Group

Progress in 2003. Michelle Price


BBS field-guide. Mark Lawley

Society Business


Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2005
Council Newsletter Number 21
Members’ requests
Changes to the membership list (October 2004)

No 83, August 2004

An updated list of British and Irish bryophytes from which tubers have been reported. C.D. Preston
Grimmia nutans
Bruch: ecology, morphology and distribution. Henk C. Greven
Petalophyllum ralfsii
inland in Carmarthenshire (and in a plant pot in Monmouthshire!). G.S. Motley & S.D.S. Bosanquet
Bygone Bryologists: Henry Herbert Knight (1862-1944). Mark Lawley
Threatened bryophytes: Acaulon triquetrum. N.G.Hodgetts
A summary of progress: the first 15 years of the Tropical Bryology Group. Michelle Price & Brian O’Shea

Research and herbaria

The Kingsley Edgell White collection. Sam Trebilcock
Request for the loan of specimens of the woodland form (‘var. sylvaticum‘) of Ctenidium molluscum. A.J.E. Smith

Meeting Reports

South-East Group meetings 2003/4. David Newman

New vice-county records and amendments to the Census Catalogue

Hepaticae. T.H. Blackstock
Musci. G.P. Rothero

Rare and Interesting

Rare and interesting bryophytes in Britain and Ireland. M.O. Hill

Society business

Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2004
BBS accounts
Officers’ reports for 2003
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, London, 2003.
Referees (July 2004).
BBS 35 mm slide collection.

No 82, March 2004

Colura calyptrifolia in Wales. S.D.S. Bosanquet
Amblystegium radicale in England and Wales: an update. T.H. Blackstock & D.T. Holyoak
Notes on British and Irish Grimmia species. A.J.E. Smith
Timmia megapolitana with sporophytes in England. Ron D. Porley
Grimmia dissimulata E. Maier in Britain. Ron D. Porley

Meeting Reports

Spring field meeting 2003, Norfolk/ Suffolk borders. Richard Fisk, John Mott & Robin Stevenson
Summer field meeting 2003, East Perthshire (first week). Martin Robinson
Summer field meeting 2003, East Perthshire (second week). Mark Lawley
AGM and Bryological Symposium 2003, London. Jeffrey G. Duckett
The Border Bryologists, 2003. Mark Lawley
SBAL training day in Kent, 19 October 2003. Mark Hill , Chris Preston & Fred Rumsey
Southern Group meetings 2002/2003. Rod Stern

Recording and conservation

BBS travelogue. Mark Lawley
Recording Matters 24. Ron Porley
The Threatened Bryophyte Database. Nick Hodgetts

Website news

BBS website haiku and limerick competition. Angela Newton


Broadleaf Books
A new Irish bryophyte book

Society business


Future meetings of the Society
Other bryological meetings and courses in 2004
Subscriptions for 2004
Referees (February 2004)
Election of officers and elected members of Council
BBS library sales and service, 2004
Council Newsletter Number 20
Changes to the membership list (December 2003)