Bryophytes really repay a little more study - they are not just beautiful in the field! Here you can see the antheridia (male organs) of Hypnum cupressiforme in various stages of development. To observe these, you need to find a shoot with diminutive male side branches, then just dissect one of these, removing all the subtending bracts. This specimen was collected in January, but antheridia may not be present throughout the whole year; we don't know a great deal about the timing of sexual reproduction stages for many bryophytes species.
View moreEmily Meilleur is a botanist and social artist from North Wales, engaging people in creative activities and working with community groups. The moss prints were made as a community workshop to study the form of bryophytes and the shape and arrangement of leaves. Everyone at the workshop took part in making a giant moss mural.
View moreNew versions of the recording cards and spreadsheets are now available to order, or to download from the Recording section of the website The nomenclature of these cards follows the 2021 Census catalogue with some additions and amendments. Note that, if you had downloaded the first version of the spreadsheets (published on 2nd March), […]
View moreAlison Cutts is a botanical and natural sciences illustrator based in Scotland. You can read more about her background and work on her website at, and will be able to see more of her work in the forthcoming second edition of the BBS Field Guide!
View moreNot the best photo, but a beautiful specimen of fruiting Dicranella howei (Howe’s Forklet-moss) nonetheless. This species can often be seen fruiting in late winter / early spring and was spotted here on Gilwern Hill near Abergavenny at the start of January.
View moreAlla Rasskazova is a Ukrainian botanical artist based in Kyiv, and a member of the British Society of Botanical Artists. She has been researching the endangered plant species of Ukraine, but – being unable to go out and search for specimens to work with at present – turned to photos on the internet for inspiration. […]
View moreThis image was captured by Sharon Pilkington in a flush in the Comeragh Mountains, Waterford, in August 2023, and shows the red patches at the base of the leaves beautifully. Its common name is the rather beautiful Varnished Hook-moss.
View moreA robust and handsome moss (its common name Large Hook-moss doesn't really do it justice). This specimen was photographed by Sharon Pilkington during a Petalwort survey in March 2023, growing in a dune slack at Braunton Burrows, Devon.
View moreThe following text was written by the President, Liz Kungu, for the BBS’ Centenary Year, and was featured on the website Home page for most of the year.
View moreThis unmistakeable, pale green, furry liverwort (common name Downy Veilwort) was one of many beautiful bryophytes photographed during the 2023 BBS Autumn meeting on Ben Lawers.
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