
Racomitrium lanuginosum

Racomitrium lanuginosum, a large acrocarp which can be dominant on wet heath in the north and west, photographed at Cape Wrath, West Sutherland, (VC 108), July 2005, by Martin Godfrey.

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Entodon concinnus

Entodon concinnus, a pleurocarp typically of calcareous grassland slopes, photographed in the machair of South Harris, Western Isles (v.-c. 110) August 2005

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Bryum dyffrynense

Bryum dyffrynense. On unshaded, partly bare damp sand in disused quarry. Phillack Towans (SW570392), Cornwall. Collected by: D.T. Holyoak (18 September 2003); Determined by: D.T. Holyoak; Photographed by: Des Callaghan

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Riccia cavernosa

Riccia cavernosa on the horse-trampled exposed inundation zone at the NW side of Lough Rinn, H29. Photographed during the 2005 BBS Summer Meeting by David Rycroft.

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Plagiochila atlantica

Plagiochila atlantica is a Northern Atlantic species of open humid deciduous woodland, growing typically on sloping surfaces of rocks and the bases of tree trunks. It is found mainly in NW Scotland, with a few localities in the Lake District and Wales. There is also a record from Brittany. The photograph here was taken at Cwn Rheidol, Ceredigion, during the 2005 BBS Spring Meeting. It is seen here growing alongside Plagiochila spinulosa, and stems of the two plants are marked for comparison. It has now been synonomised with P.heterophylla (see

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Conocephalum salebrosum

Conocephalum salebrosum is a taxon recently described by the late Professor J Szweykowski et al. as a cryptic species within the Conocephalum conicum complex. Originally detected through isozyme analysis, morphological characters are described in the recently published paper: J. Szweykowski, K.Buczkowska, I.J. Odrzykoski (2005) Conocephalum salebrosum (Marchantiopsida, Conocephalaceae) - a new Holarctic liverwort species. Plant Syst Evol 253, 1-4: 133 - 158 .

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Bryum warneum

Bryum warneum in Britain is a rare coastal plant found growing in damp sand in dunes and amongst dune slacks. Photographed by Des Callaghan at Birkdale Green Beach, South Lancashire., April 2005.

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Rhytiadelphus subpinnatus

Rhytiadelphus subpinnatus is a rare moss of open woodland with a few scattered records in western Britain. A new population was recently found by Sam Bosanquet by the Afon Tywi, Carmarthenshire, and photographed by Graham Motl

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Grimmia dissimulata

Grimmia dissimulata on limestone wall-top of churchyard, Ickleton, Cambridgeshire.

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Tortula muralis

Tortula muralis Photographed by Derek Christie near Perth, Scotland.

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