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View moreOne of the many fascinating things seen (and photographed) at the recent Reproductive Structures workshop at Treborth Botanic Gardens. This image shows the archegonia (female organs) of Hookeria lucens. Male organs (antheridia) were also seen, and the reproductive structures of many other species studied and recorded. Many thanks to Prof. Jeff Duckett for sharing some of his considerable knowledge of this rather under-valued and neglected aspect of bryology.
View moreRead about the creation of Treborth Botanic Garden Moss trail, one of the many initiatives inspired by National Moss Day 2023.
View moreA visit was recently made to Woolmer Forest in North Hampshire v.-c.12 in an attempt to refind Protolophozia herzogiana. This was not successful, but the locality provided a rich assemblage of leafy liverworts including this Odontoschisma denudatum. This attractive species with bright gemmae on attenuated shoots is found typically on moist peaty banks but appears to be declining. The plants were growing through a mat of algal slime due to atmospheric nitrogen deposition which is a major threat to small leafy liverworts.
View moreThis species has featured before as a Bryophyte of the Month, back in the 2000's, but there is always a place for a beautiful (and scarce) bryophyte with a story to tell!
View moreThe Glos local group was pleased to find this species on a recent meeting in the Forest of Dean. It can be difficult to tell from the more common P. asplenioides and P. porelloides, but its habit - growing in loose mats - and leaf shape gave this one away. On close inspection, the cells looked a little larger too, but that needed confirming under the microscope.
View moreOne of the many beautiful liverworts seen on the recent BBS Liverwort Workshop in Kinlochewe. This lovely photo was taken by Philippa Thompson.
View moreI'm not sure what this Marchantia was looking at, surely the photographer wasn't that scary!!!
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