Wanted and offers

HomeMembers DashboardWanted and offers

Website Member’s Area ‘down time’

Please email the website editors with details of any items you would like to pass on, or would like to obtain.

What this page is about…

We regularly hear from people who would like to sell or give away old equipment, books etc. This page is designed to facilitate this ‘recycling’ of bryological items, by putting members in touch with one another. We will list what is being offered, or what is needed, along with a contact email. It is up to you to get in touch with the person in the listing and negotiate a deal.

If you are looking to purchase new books or equipment, please check out our Sales & Loans page instead.

Examples might be:

  • Past issues of the Journal or Field Bryology
  • Second hand books
  • Microscopes
  • Other equipment
  • Even specimen collections!

Please let us know if your listing is complete (sold / given away / received etc), otherwise items will be removed after the end date specified on the listing, or after 3 months if no date given.

To list an item, please email the website editors at webmaster@britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk. Please include a description (with photos if desired), and contact email, approximate location and (optional) listing end date.


Assorted BBS publications 1977 – 2002

More details to follow.

Location: Mitcham, Surrey. Local delivery possible, or delivery by post.

Contact: webmaster@britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk

Listing expires: 18/7/2023


A collection of bryophytes from bryologist James Riley, labelled precisely with dates/collection area in very neat envelopes, stored in 6 large shoe boxes.

Location: Mitcham, Surrey. Local delivery possible, or delivery by post.

Contact: webmaster@britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk

Listing expires: 18/7/2023

Bryological books

More details to follow.

Location: Mitcham, Surrey. Local delivery possible, or delivery by post.

Contact: webmaster@britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk

Listing expires: 18/7/2023


Compound microscope

Sarah Grinsted (Wiltshire) is looking to buy a decent second-hand compound microscope.

Contact Sarah on sarah_grinsted@hotmail.co.uk

Michael Lüth’s 3-volume Mosses of Europe, printed edition

Mark Lawley would like a copy of these if anyone is looking to sell.

Contact: webmaster@britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk