Scapania compacta

HomeLearningSpecies FinderScapania compacta

Identification notes

Scapania species occupy a wide range of habitat niches, ranging from very wet to rather dry. Scapania compacta is one of the commonest species that is found in dryish places, such as on walls, boulder tops and on the ground in heathland.

Although Scapania species have a perhaps well-deserved reputation for being challenging to identify, S. compacta is usually straightforward. It can be recognised by a combination of habitat, robust shoots and a rather neat appearance caused by the way the leaf lobes are of similar size and have a similar orientation.

In upland watery places, especially in Wales and Scotland, close examination with a microscope may be advisable to separate S. compacta from S. subalpina, which is less common.

Read the Field Guide account

Distribution in Great Britain and Ireland

View distribution from the BBS Atlas 2014

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