Identification notes
In many areas, a common, pioneering moss which grows in all manner of places where the ground is suitably moist (not wet) and base-poor. It really likes clay substrates and, sometimes, can form enormous populations in places where there is little or no competition from other species, for example in autumn on sediment on reservoir draw-down zones. It has a very short life cycle and is unlikely to be noticed without capsules. Associates have similar ecological needs and so it can be found with various other small ephemerals e.g. Riccia, Pohlia, Ephemerum and Bryum species.
Stem leaves increase in length going up the stem, like similar-looking Pleuridium species. However, the perichaetial leaves of Pseudephemerum are no longer than the uppermost stem leaves, whereas Pleuridium has markedly longer perichaetial leaves.
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