Platyhypnum duriusculum

HomeLearningSpecies FinderPlatyhypnum duriusculum

Identification notes

This scarce species typically grows on low rocks in fast-flowing upland rivers and streams. It is frequently found with other pleurocarps of the same habitat, such as Isothecium holtii, Rhynchostegium riparioides, Hygrohypnella ochracea, Pseudohygrohypnum eugyrium and Hygroamblystegium fluviatile.

Its wide, slightly concave and obtuse leaves with a short double nerve (barely visible under a hand-lens) are distinctive, as is its habit of growing in patches of stiff, swollen-looking plants. However, it does also grow as short, scruffy-looking patches and then it can be harder to distinguish it from other wide-leaved pleurocarps without a long, obvious nerve, especially P. eugyrium. However, with a hand-lens it can be seen that species has very concave leaves with an acute apex.

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Distribution in Great Britain and Ireland

View distribution from the BBS Atlas 2014

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