Bryum weigelii

HomeLearningSpecies FinderBryum weigelii

Identification notes

This handsome species is relatively large and distinctive (for a Bryum), although it is a scarce moss of upland, often remote wet habitats. It can form quite large patches though, and they are characteristically pink-tinged. It usually grows in well-lit situations and its shoots are usually well-coloured. Plants growing in shaded situations may be green, but are still distinctive in having leaf bases that are conspicuously broad and long-decurrent – a feature not shown by any of our other Bryum species.

Read the Field Guide account

Distribution in Great Britain and Ireland

View distribution from the BBS Atlas 2014

Resources you may find useful

Holyoak, D. 2021. European Bryaceae.

David Holyoak’s book contains keys, detailed morphological, ecological and taxonomic descriptions and diagrams showing key features – and is highly recommended for anyone wishing to get to know Bryum species.

The Bryophyte identification page under Resources contains additional information on the genus Bryum, including an early version of the keys now published in David Holyoak’s book.

Bryophyte identification resources

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