Summer meeting 2017: West Perthshire and Stirlingshire, Scotland

HomeEventsSummer meeting 2017: West Perthshire and Stirlingshire, Scotland

15 July 2017 - 21 July 2017

Meeting report

West Perthshire and Stirlingshire encompass a variety of upland and lowland sites including areas of ancient semi-natural oak woodland in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National
Park (LLTNP); Flanders Moss Special Area for Conservation (SAC); and mountain summits including Stob Binnein and Ben Lomond.

It was decided to host the meeting at Loch Voil, by Balquhidder, which is a valley to the north of the LLTNP. It is a beautiful glen, and much less visited by tourists. While there were several existing interesting bryophyte records in a few areas along the valley, a search of geology maps and a site recce identified that there was plenty of opportunity for a group of enthusiastic bryologists…

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West Perthshire and Stirlingshire, Scotland