Meeting report
Some difficulty had been encountered in deciding upon a centre for this meeting because of cost but the eventual choice, the Half Moon at Rushall, proved to be a friendly and comfortable pub and the food was more than adequate. With its low rainfall, East Anglia may not be the most exciting area for bryophytes but the programme was planned to take members to a variety of interesting habitats. In the event, six new vice-county records were found (exceeding expectations) and there were numerous new site records. The localities visited during the course of the week were variously in v.-c. 25 ( East Suffolk ), v.-c. 26 ( West Suffolk ), v.-c. 27 ( East Norfolk ) and v.-c. 28 ( West Norfolk ).
During part of the meeting our antics were closely observed by socio-biologists Rebecca Ellis and Claire Waterton. It was difficult to know quite what they made of us, but it cannot have been too bad because they have both joined the BBS.
Download the meeting report