South West Scotland Group: Gallow Hill Community Woodland

HomeEventsSouth West Scotland Group: Gallow Hill Community Woodland

21 October 2023 (10:00 - 13:00)

There will be a moss walk in the Gallow Hill Community Woodland (, meeting at the Shelter, NT08310656 at 10 am to look at the mosses and liverworts on this former plantation site which is now regenerating and partly replanted young birch/oak woodland. One of the star species is Ptilium crista-castrensis, the beautiful Ostrich-plume Feather-moss which was first recorded in 1892 and was recently re-found in 2022.

Anyone welcome, but please dress warmly, bring waterproofs and appropriate footwear for rough ground.

For more information, contact Liz at


Gallow Hill Community Woodland, Moffat