Meeting report
Six of us met outside Plas y Brenin by the Mymbyr Lakes on May 21st. We spent the morning between the main road and the lake examining the bryophytes growing amongst the boulders and on the lake margins. These included luxuriant cushions of Hedwigia stellata. Enthostodon obtusus was found growing close to the bridge pier as we crossed the river Llugwy. We recorded Sphagnums along the forestry road on the south side of the lake including copious amounts of Sphagnum girgensohnii and Sphagnum squarrosum. A total of 64 species were recorded altogether in the monad.
Lunch was eaten sitting on a knoll outside the forest looking up Dyffryn Mymbyr towards the classic view of the Snowdon Horseshoe. In the afternoon we did a bit of recording in a new monad on quite impoverished acidic mountain pasture. We found quite a good selection of liverworts including Bazzania trilobata outside its normal woodland habitat and some spectacular patches of Mylia taylorii and we had a good look at Scapania gracilis that occurred in abundance around the little rocky outcrops that studded the pasture. We recorded 36 species in total.