On Sunday 20/10/24 a meeting for complete beginners will be held on Corstorphine Hill, starting at 10:30 and finishing around 12:30. This event is organised by Friends of Corstorphine Hill and is NOT a meeting of Lothians Bryophyte Group, but any BSS and Lothians Group members are welcome to attend on the understanding that this will be very much a short, introductory session.
Good footwear and suitable clothing are essential. Please also bring a hand lens.
Meeting details: Meet at Corstorphine Hill Walled Garden at 10:30. NT20357 73751 EH12 6LP What3words: cable.songs.summer
For those travelling by bus the meeting place is a 3 minute walk from the western terminus of Lothian bus number 26
Please email David Adamson at davidadamson32@gmail.com no later than 18 October 2024 if you wish to attend.