Meeting report

A beautiful afternoon
Seven of us met below the Darens on a perfect sunny day for our last official meetings of the 2024/5 season. The decision to visit this site across our Gloucestershire borders in Herefordshire was based on two of us in search of the elusive Silurian moth last summer and realising it was likely to hold great bryological diversity. On further research we noted the Borders group last held a meeting here in 2005, so we were delighted that Mark Lawley was able to join us.
The Darens did not disappoint; with some of us ranging further than others we had a list of close to 100 by lunchtime. The lower slopes, wetter areas, wooded stream as well as the crags produced a tally of 165 after everyone’s packets had been examined. There were so many highlights, of note Mark finding Blepharostoma trichophyllum (confirmed by Nick Hodgetts and a debracket for VC36). In addition Bryum elegans,Tortella fasciculata, Archidium alternifolium, Barbilophozia sudetica, Fissidens celticus and Nogopterium gracile all worth a mention. Thanks to Claire and Pete for some great images and to Sharon for boosting the count and identifying some tricky customers.
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