Grid ref TL464756 Postcode CB6 3TB Landranger Map 143
Traditionally we have a winter fenland excursion, and this is it. For the last excursion of 2024, we shall visit Haddenham and the unrecorded fenland to the west of it. In tetrads TL74 C, H and I we have just two bryophyte records.
Meet at 11 a.m. at Haddenham Church, which we have not visited since 1987, though Chris Preston went there in 2004 and there is a solitary Shanklin liverwort from 2010. From the heights of the churchyard at 35 m we shall sink into the fens at 3 m, and do our best by the rather featureless landscape between Haddenham and the Ouse Washes.
I suggest parking at TL47760 for TL47I, TL421758 for TL47H, and by Hermitage Farm for TL47C.
Records from Haddenham Church, with most recent date of find:
Lophocolea bidentata 2010
Didymodon rigidulus 2004
Plagiomnium undulatum 2004
Didymodon vinealis 2004
Pseudocrossidium revolutum 2004
Amblystegium serpens 2004
Fissidens taxifolius 2004
Pseudoscleropodium purum 2004
Brachythecium rutabulum 2004
Grimmia pulvinata 2004
Rhynchostegiella tenella 2004
Bryum argenteum 1987
Gyroweisia tenuis 1987
Rhynchostegium confertum 2004
Bryum capillare 2004
Homalothecium sericeum 2004
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus 2004
Bryum dichotomum 1987
Hypnum cupressiforme 1987
Schistidium crassipilum 2004
Bryum radiculosum 1987
Kindbergia praelonga 2004
Streblotrichum convolutum 2004
Calliergonella cuspidata 2004
Orthotrichum anomalum 2004
Syntrichia latifolia 2004
Ceratodon purpureus 2004
Orthotrichum cupulatum 2004
Syntrichia montana 2004
Didymodon luridus 2004
Orthotrichum diaphanum 2004
Tortula marginata 2004
Oxyrrhynchium hians 2004
Tortula muralis 2004
Haddenham Church