Meeting report
At the end of September, a week-end meeting was held in London. The authorities at the British Museum (Natural History) kindly allowed us the use of the board room on Saturday afternoon, where, after the official business was completed, Dr F. Rose read a paper on the Comparative Ecology of British and German Sphagnum bogs, followed by Mr A. H. Norkett on the sections of the genus Fissidens in Britain. On Sunday, 26 September, a party of about twenty-five visited Ockley Common near Thursley in Surrey, where extensive bogs rich in Sphagna were traversed. Many of the Hepatics usually associated with this type of at grew in abundance on the sphagnous hummocks. A few patches of Calypogeia sphagnicola were found and a new record for the district amongst the mosses Dicranum rugosum on somewhat drier ground.