Meeting report
(Extracted from The Journal of Botany, May, 1935, pp. 138-9).
The Society held its Annual Meeting and Excursion at Ingleton, Yorkshire, from August 11th to 18th, 1934, President, Mr. H. H. Knight, M.A. Over thirty members and friends were present.
The first ramble explored the Limestones from Austwick, by Oxenber and Moughton, also Helwith Moss for Sphagna and Hepatics. Next day Penyghent was climbed from Horton-in-Ribblesdale, by Hull Pot and Hunt Pot, for the Carboniferous Limestone and Gritstone. Then a day up the Ingleton Glens for their fine waterfalls. The golden-brown peat water rushes down the deep narrow Limestone gorges. The way led up the River Doe, and, crossing the top of the Glen, the return was made down the River Twiss. On Wednesday the drive took us out of Yorkshire into Lancashire, through High Bentham to Hindburndale, on the Millstone Grit, among the moors, bogs, woods, and streams of Moorcock, Bottom Mill and Hindburn- an interesting country. Next day Clapdale was visited from Clapham, some members returning over Ingleborough. The last outing was to the Bolton Woods on the River Wharfe. Entering the dale at the Strid Cottage, the path winds through the wooded gorge. The river flows rapidly through the deep, narrow clefts in the broad horizontal sheets of the Millstone Grit at the Strid; farther on the valley widens out till Bolton Abbey is reached. Members were greatly indebted to their Yorkshire friends, Messrs. Milsom, Burrell, and Cheetham, for guidance on the rambles.
The General Meeting was held on August 15th, when Mr. D. A. Jones, M.Sc., A.L.S., was elected to the Presidency of the Society. The West of Ireland was suggested for the meeting of 1935, probably in August.
As the Society had met at Ingleton in 1926, there were not many new records to make, but a number of interesting Bryophytes were met with, some of which are enumerated below, those new to V.C. 60 (West Lancs.) and V.C. 64 (Mid-West Yorks.) are starred:-
Sphagna. S. warnstorfii (64*), S. fallax var. robustum (64*), and S. medium (64*) at Helwith Moss. S. squarrosum var. subsquarrosum,, S. pulchrum and S. cuspidatum var. falcatum (64*) at Austwick Moss. S. obesum var. plumosum (64*) Penyghent. S. compactum, S. recurvum var. robustum and S. obesum var. canovirens (60*) on Hindburn Moor.
True Mosses.- In Mid-west Yorkshire (64), Moughton and Oxenber:- Pleurochaete squarrosa (only Yorkshire station), Thuidium delicatulum. Penyghent:- Encalypta rhabdocarpa, Myurella julacea, Pseudoleskea catenulata. Ingleton Glens:- Campylopus subulatus*, Webera calcarea*, Barbula ferruginascens, Hypnum incurvatum. Clapdale and Ingleborough:- Seligeria tristicha, Campylopus atrovirens var. muticus, Zygodon gracilis. Bolton Abbey:- Fissidens rufulus, Philonotis caespitosa*, Orthodontium gracile, Plagiothecium elegans var. collinum. Hindburndale, W. Lancs. (60):- Tetraphis browniana, Catharinea crispa, Discelium nudum, Hypnum stramineum
Hepatics, V.C. 64. Ingleton Glens:- Lophozia muelleri, L. attenuata forma eflagellis, Plagiochila tridenticulata, P. asplenioides var. minor forma laxa, Cololejeunea calcarea and C. rossettiana, Marchesinia mackaii. Bolton Abbey:- Cephalozia media, Sphenolobus exsectiformis, Calypogeia neesiana. Hindburndale, W. Lancs, V.C.60:-Blasia pusilla, Harpanthus scutatus*, Lepidozia reptans var. julacea*, Blepharostoma trichophyllum, Microlejeunea ulicina.
Eleonora Armitage