Meeting report
(Extracted from the Journal of Botany, November, 1928, p. 340).
The British Bryological Society held its Annual Meeting and Excursion at Belfast from August 25th to September Ist. The Rev. C. H. Binstead, M.A., F.L.S., presided at the Annual Meeting, and Mr. W. E. Nicholson, F.L.S., of Lewes, was elected President for the two ensuing years, 1929 and 1930, and Dr. Walter Watson, D.Sc., A.L.S., of Taunton, Vice-President. The membership of the Society now exceeds 100.
Daily excursions were arranged, the most interesting being to the Giant’s Causeway and Portrush, where some good plants were found on the sand-hills; and, also Fair Head, where among the basaltic rocks Glyphomitrium daviesii was abundant. On Colin Mountain, Ditrichum vaginans, a very rare inconspicuous moss, was found in plenty. It was discovered here by J. H. Davies in 1901, the only other British station being on Ben Nevis. Here, also, Cephaloziella hampeana, an addition to the Irish hepatic list, was gathered. The beautiful Glenarrif made a pleasing contrast, and here many good plants were obtained. These localities are all in Co. Antrim (v.c. I. 39). One day on Slieve Donard was the only time devoted to Co. Down (v.c. I. 38).
After the official meeting a party of seventeen proceeded to Sligo, where five days were spent. The weather unfortunately became very wet, but two fine days permitted some very useful work to be done, and many additions were made to the moss-floras of Co. Leitrim and Co. Sligo.
On Ben Bulben, already known as the only station for Barbula recurvifolia var. robusta and as one of the few localities for the rare Weisia curvirostris var. insignis, were found four rare species which are additions to the Irish moss-flora, viz. Encalypta commutata, Timmia norvegica, Mnium orthorrhynchum, and Amblystegium compactum.
In all, some 138 new vice-county records were made – Sphagna, 17 ; Mosses, 57 ; Hepatics, 64.
Scotland was chosen for next year’s Excursion, when Killin and Crianlarich-Tyndrum will be visited from July 26th to August 9th.
J. B. Duncan