(Extracted from the Journal of Botany, October 1925, p. 311)
The British Bryological Society held its Annual Meeting and Excursion at Ross, Herefordshire, for the Wye Valley, under the Presidency of the Rev. C. H. Binstead, Vice-President, in the absence of Dr. S. M. Macvicar, from August 14 to 21. The rocky limestone woodland of the Wye Gorge, including the Great Doward, Herefordshire, and Symonds Yat, Gloucestershire, was well explored and interesting plants were found, especially Anomodon longifolius and Eurhynchium striatulum; others included Barbula nicholsoni, Neckera crispa var.falcata, Aplozia atrovirens var. sphaerocarpoidea, Scapania aspera, Madotheca laevigata, &c. The Sandstone and Conglomerate of the Chase and Penyard Woods at Ross yielded Campylopus flexuosus in fruit, Leptodontium flexifolium, Philonotis capillaris, Mnium stellare, Lophozia attenuata, Bazzania trilobata, Scapania compacta, &c. May Hill, just over the Gloucestershire border, showed a relict swamp-vegetation, including several Sphagna, and Mr. R. O. G. Wynne gave a lucid account of the geological aspect, the May Hill (or Llandovery) rock and other Silurian strata being in evidence. During the visit to Trelleck Bog in Monmouthshire a very large number of interesting Sphagnum forms were detected, besides hepatics, as Leptoscyphus anomalus, Cephalozia connivens var. compacta, and Lepidozia setacea, while on rocks in woodland above the bog, Dicranum scottianum new to v.c. 35, was found, and at Tintern Eurhynchium curvisetum was also recorded for the county. Several of the members included Lichens in their survey. The party, including members and friends, numbered 42; in the evenings the business of the Society was transacted. The officers were re-elected, except that owing to Mr. D. A. Jones’s coming absence abroad for some months, Miss E. Armitage was asked to act as Secretary temporarily. The Committee recommended that printing of a new edition of the Moss Census Catalogue be proceeded with. Dr. Trotter showed his very valuable card-index scheme for the purposes of bryological bibliography. The next meeting will be held at Ingleton, Yorks at Whitsuntide, 1926.
Eleonora Armitage