Contact details
Each year we try to include visits to a good range of habitats and sites across Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Hampshire. A key aim of the group is to encourage those who are new to the subject to become more experienced and confident at identifying bryophytes. Beginners are most welcome at all our meetings. There is no formal membership or constitution and each person goes out at his/her own risk.
The only equipment needed is a hand lens (x10 or x20) and some paper packets for collecting specimens. Many of the sites we plan to visit include wet and muddy areas so boots are often advisable. We will usually eat a packed lunch on site. All meetings start at 10.30am and finish between 3pm and 4pm. In the event of poor weather/ treacherous driving conditions, please call or email Andrew or Sharon to check if the meeting is going ahead.
We follow British Bryological Society guidance to safeguard the health and safety of all participants in our field meetings. If you would like to come to one of our field meetings please book a place in advance with the named group leader. Places can only be booked one meeting ahead at a time.