David Holyoak’s long anticipated book on European Bryaceae has just been published and is available now from natural history booksellers. About this book The moss family Bryaceae includes 69 species occurring in western and central Europe and the islands of northern Macaronesia. Several of them are among the commonest and most widely distributed mosses of […]
View moreWhere to look for information on growing bryophytes The BBS are occasionally asked for advice on growing bryophytes, whether for a garden, roof, moss sculpture etc. Whilst this topic is not really our subject, we can offer the following suggestions: If you search the Internet you will find a few websites and books dedicated to […]
View moreThe Biological Journal of the Linnean Society volume 115 part 3 (July 2015) is devoted to biological recording, and it might therefore be of special interest to many BBS members. The issue (guest-edited by H.E. Roy, C.D. Preston & D.B. Roy) marks the 50th anniversary of the Biological Records Centre and many of the papers are based on talks given at the celebratory conference held at the University of Bath in June 2014. In addition to an editorial introduction, there are 22 papers of which three deal with bryophytes.
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