News - Bryophyte of the month

HomeNewsCategory - Bryophyte of the month
Tortula freibergii

Tortula freibergii is a rare species with a rather disjunct British distribution, known first from East Sussex and later from the Cheshire/Lancashire/Yorkshire area. This photograph was taken by Des Callaghan from alongside the Trent and Mersey Canal.

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Cryphaea heteromalla

Cryphaea heteromalla is an epiphyte with a previously restricted distribution due to air pollution, but whose range is now rapidly expanding. Photographed on the Border Bryologists meeting at Croes Robert Wood, Monmouthshire.

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Campylophyllum calcareum

Campylophyllum calcareum, photographed at Twywell Gullet on the 2007 Spring Field meeting in Northamptonshire.

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Amphidium mougeotii

Amphidium mougeotii forms large cushions on moist acid rock crevices and gullies in Western Britain.

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Campylopus setifolius

Campylopus setifolius is an oceanic species of acid humid places known from NW Wales, the Lake District, the Western Highlands and the west of Ireland.

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Cephalozia connivens

Cephalozia connivens, a fairly widespread liverwort of wet acid places, photographed here at Whixall Moss, Shropshire, during the 2007 Autumn Meeting excursion.

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Dicranum bergeri

Dicranum bergeri is a British Red Data Book moss of raised bogs, photographed here at Whixall Moss, Shropshire, during the 2007 Autumn Meeting excursion.

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Splachnum sphaericum

Splachnum sphaericum photographed by Gordon Rothero on Ben Nevis.

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Athalamia hyalina

The thallose liverwort Athalamia hyalina is the only British member of the Cleveaceae, and was first discovered in the Eastern Scottish Highlands by Gordon Rothero in 1999.

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Oedipodium griffithianum

Oedipodium griffithianum is an uncommon plant of rock crevices in the montane northwest of Britain. Note the muliticellular gemmae.

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