Jeff Bates (email:
As usual we will be gathering quadrat data for the BBS Bryophyte Habitats Survey (BRECOG) over a weekend in early spring (only two years left, 2015 & 2016). This time it will be from a range of habitats centred on the Carboniferous Limestone of the Mendip Hills, North Somerset (v.c. 6). Habitats are likely to include limestone grassland , rock outcrops, coastal headland, dunes, scrub, woodland, old lead mines and drystone walls. If you would like to be involved please come along and test your identification skills in pleasant company. We usually meet at lunchtime on the Friday (13th March – surely a lucky one) and depart after lunch on the Sunday (15th). Please email me to express interest and for an accommodation suggestion. It would be helpful if you could read the documentation available on the BBS website (>Activities>Bryophyte Ecology Group) and muster any items of equipment that you can beforehand. Participants are asked to make their own accommodation bookings.