Encalypta ciliata

HomeLearningSpecies FinderEncalypta ciliata

Identification notes

This is not an especially rare moss, but it’s certainly a charmer. To stumble across E. ciliata, tucked away in a sheltered calcareous crevice or cliff ledge in the mountains, is certain to put a smile on any bryologist’s face.

Plants with calyptrate capsules are immediately recognisable as an Encalypta – nothing else has capsules like that. The fringe around the bottom of the calyptra looks like something dreamed up by a fashion designer and makes you wonder how something so intricate could evolve, and what its function might be!

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Distribution in Great Britain and Ireland

View distribution from the BBS Atlas 2014

Similar Species

In Britain only one other species has a fringed calyptra, but E. brevicolla, known only from Reekie Linn in Angus, has not been seen since 1871 and may be extinct.